I've lurked for a while now and I made a reddit account just to say: I can't do it anymore. I can't continue contributing to the exploitation of animals. I've thrown out all the animal products in my refrigerator and I'm reading up on practical, easy ways to eat cruelty-free. I'm pretty lazy so I'm worried about getting enough calories with minimal effort, I tend not to eat much because I don't feel like getting up or I get engrossed in a project, so when I do eat I eat calorie dense things so I'm not undereating. If anyone has any tips for minimal-effort ways to get calories without having to eat a pound of almonds every day I'd appreciate it lol.
What tipped me over the edge was two pieces of footage. The first was from the Dairy Is Scary Erin Janus video of a dairy cow's newborn calf being dragged away from her as she cried out for it. Every single time I put nutella on my toast that's what I'm paying for because nutella has milk powder in it. Fuck, I can't do that. The second was footage from Earthlings of an elephant being tortured for the circus. How can you do that to an elephant? They're such magnificant, intelligent, social beings, they don't exist for us to abuse for amusement.
No more for me. I live in America and I know it's virtually impossible to live 100% cruelty free but I've got to try. Veganism it is.
Submitted December 03, 2017 at 10:28AM by restlessneopagan http://ift.tt/2ArtRsT vegan
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