Thursday, December 14, 2017

I am in teething hell beyondthebump

FTM with a nearly 7 month old LO who is going through teething hell. We've bought so teethers and he hates them all: teething biscuits, the kind you put in the refrigerator, plastic teethers, teething mittens, etc. He'll put it in his mouth (or we'll help him with it) he nibbles on it and within 2 seconds he gets super frustrated and starts wailing and crying. We keep trying but to no avail. It seems like the teethers just piss him off even more. It took me 3 hours to calm him down today! I feel HORRIBLE for him and I feel myself starting to lose patience.

He's also getting fitted for his helmet in a week because he was a 32 weeker preemie and developed a flat head pretty early, and I just know this is going to make my poor little guy even more cranky. Oi, these next couple of months are going to be hell, aren't they?!

Submitted December 15, 2017 at 10:25AM by governmentflu beyondthebump

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