Friday, October 27, 2017

Staying with a verbally abusive family friend because I have nowhere else to go depression

Throwaway for reasons.

My kiddo and I are technically homeless. I'm trying to relocate out of state where I have federal employment lined up, yet kiddo's father won't allow us to move. We've been court ordered to stay until the court decides in December if we can move away or have to stay. The house I was renting got sold, and since I'm nearly broke paying for lawyers fees, my child and I were offered a place to stay for a few months.

I've known these folks a few years; the husband knew my mom from work. I've watched their dogs while they've been out of town. They are both retired and are grandparents. They have the room and a bathroom. I keep our spaces clean and stay out of their way. Seems the lady of the house and I are butting heads, I'm thinking because she feels threatened that there is another woman in the house. She's passive aggressive about petty things, like don't use her special mug with giraffes on it, and don't sit in her designated spot at the table. While having breakfast there one morning, she gets home from the gym and tells me that's her spot and that's why her sweater was hung over the back of the chair. So I get up to move and she says "oh you can sit there now". Ummm I was sitting there before you got home. It's not like I took her spot after she got up.

She also told me recently that she never told me I could use their second refrigerator, which is in their garage. The fridge I use to keep food in for my daughter, like milk and yogurt.

Today she really upset me by bursting into the bedroom I was in and yelling at me for doing laundry, and messing up her schedule. I do laundry on the weekend because my child needs clean clothes for school during the week. Its Friday, is it not a weekend day? She screamed at me, telling me I was disrespectful and selfish. This really upset me because I'm doing the best I can to keep my daughter safe and happy. I'm glad my daughter wasn't home when that happened because she slammed the door several times scaring her dog. She even said she hoped the dog wasn't in the room with me, like I'm going to hurt the dog or hold it for ransom.

It upsets me because I have really bad PTSD from the military and also from abusive relationships. I don't feel I deserve to be yelled at for something so trivial.

So now I'm stuck. I was hoping to stay with a friend next week, but I'd have to change schools for my daughter. I've never felt more alone or isolated and uncomfortable. In a place I thought I could be safe. I won't have any money until Monday, otherwise I'd check into a hotel. Now I have a pounding headache and I'm afraid to leave my room.

Submitted October 28, 2017 at 06:51AM by throwouttossout depression

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