Friday, September 29, 2017

Can we talk dormancy strategies other than unheated garage and refrigerator? SavageGarden

I live in zone 6b/7a. I don't have a garage. I also rent, so my plants are in pots, not planted in the ground. Neither do I have a basement. Doing refrigerator dormancy is problematic (I have enough plants that it is a pain in the ass, also not sure if my roommate can manage to not crush any plants I would be keeping in the fridge for 3 months).

Does anyone in a situation similar to mine have any clever workarounds they use for dormancy? I am wondering if I could use 1 or 2 styrofoam coolers and pack them with hay/mulch and put them up against the side of my house or up against our sliding glass door. I am thinking that will be warmer than just sitting out in the middle of the yard. I could perhaps even throw a handwarmer pack into the coolers for the really deep freezes which happen from time to time. Or, will a cheap ($50 or less) coldframe from Amazon work?

I should also add that the plants I am keeping outside this winter are: S. 'Judith Hindle', S. 'Dana's Delight', S. rubra, S. purpurea. And a handful of VFT typicals and a couple VFT cultivars (Red Dragon and Gremlin).

Please share your dormancy tips and tricks here. I have been nervous about handling dormancy since March, all suggestions and advice is appreciated.

Submitted September 30, 2017 at 12:13AM by progressiveoverload SavageGarden

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