Thursday, December 29, 2016

Refrigerator food safety. My wife has become obsessed and I need help. AskCulinary

I need help. My wife has become obsessed with food safety specifically obsessing over the temperature in the fridge. She has thrown out over $500 worth of food this year and so I decided to cut my losses and buy a new fridge to ease her worries. The problem is that no fridge when opened for 5-7 minutes while loading groceries will stay underneath the FDA "guideline" of 40 degrees. The FDA goes on to say that food kept above this 40 degree magic number for more than 2 hours should be considered unsafe. Can someone give me something better than the FDA guidelines? I know the food is safe. We live 5 minutes from the grocery store so it doesn't even warm up on the drive home. Any links to resources would be appreciated.

Submitted December 30, 2016 at 07:13AM by Pyrowrx AskCulinary

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