Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Two beers and a slippery slope. stopdrinking

It had been "11" days but... I had two beers today. I'll try not to rationalize it too much, suffice to say I took a close friend out for dinner for his birthday and I felt a pressure to have a couple drinks with him. I didn't know how to say "I don't drink anymore". This is still new to me. Maybe in the future I'll say I've stopped to lose weight or something.

Of course after I got home I felt the compulsion to drink the nine beers and half bottle of wine in my refrigerator. The same compulsion I have felt every night prior. I've been drinking a lot of tea lately to compensate. Normal people don't obsessively know how much booze is in their fridge and that reiterates to me that I need to stop. Fortunately when I got home tonight I switched back to tea. From my long list of reasons to stop I chose two: My wife asking me a couple weeks ago why I looked "yellow" and of the mysterious heartburn I have had for months.

I think I'll look at grabbing a badge tomorrow.

Submitted October 26, 2016 at 01:55PM by Takeoffmypants stopdrinking

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