Wednesday, September 28, 2016

$100 to anyone in Portland that helps me figure out adding power to my van. vandwellers

So, I use to be up on how solar power works, volts, amps and watts and all that. But iv been working so much lately I dont have the time to do the research and look up what I need to know. So Ill offer $100 to any one that can help me figure out a power solution for my van. Im going to plug in this freezer and a mac book air on rare occasion. Thats about it. I just want to meet up with someone and have them show mw what to buy, where to buy it and how to hook it up. Ill give away a free photo shoot to anyone who helps me hoot it up. You can see my work at @optimistphoto on IG. Thanks again y'all.

Submitted September 29, 2016 at 02:40AM by Tired_Thumb vandwellers

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