Friday, February 26, 2016

TIFU by being allergic to cold tifu

This just happend and I'm typing with one hand. So I was walking my dog around and holding an iced tea bottle, which was really cold because it was in the refrigerator. My hand started to feel really weird but I ignored it, I'm always sensitive to the cold. Until my hand starts itching like the worst itch of my life. I look at it and my whole hand is fire-truck red and my fingers have swelled up to twice their size. You know that scene in Harry potter where Harry blows up his aunt to the size of a ballon? Ya it felt just like that, I was sure my fingers were about to blow up. I kinda freak out and my dog chooses to pull on the leash at this moment. I lose the grip on her leash and she runs away. I had to chase her for 3 miles. The only reason I caught her was because she stopped to talk to another dog on the street. So after like 30 minutes my hand returned to normal but the itching was terrible during this half hour. I told my mom about it and I tried holding something cold again and the same shit happend. What the fuck.

Submitted February 27, 2016 at 08:29AM by mousymous tifu

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