Sunday, February 28, 2016

question for ae911truth experts about 9/11 conspiracy

disregarding judy wood's energy beam hypothesis as disinformation, what happened to:

  • 19,000 supporting steel trusses
  • 22,000 stainless steel doors
  • 4 huge generators
  • 64 4-ton transformers
  • 200 large elevator cabs, with counterweights
  • 23 miles of core columns
  • 32 escalators
  • thousands of toilets, urinals, and sinks
  • 6 acres of marble
  • nearly 45,000 windows
  • 20,000 wooden & steel doors
  • 40,000 door knobs
  • 20,000 miles of wiring
  • nearly 200 miles of copper pipe
  • nearly 200 miles of iron pipe
  • nearly 200 miles of PVC pipe
  • 40,000 cubicles
  • 45,000 desks
  • 45,000 chairs
  • 75,000 telephones
  • 45,000 monitors, keyboards, mice
  • 50,000 staplers
  • 50,000 file cabinets
  • 300 mainframe computers
  • 3,000 copy machines
  • 800 fire extinguishers
  • 5,000 vending machines
  • 7,000 rolls of carpet
  • 450 refrigerators ...
  • and roughly 3000 bodies

what happened? why was none of this found in the rubble? why don't we have one damn photo of a stapler even? not to mention the elevator cars? the pipe? the generators? the wiring?


Submitted February 29, 2016 at 01:50AM by flyyyyyyyyy conspiracy

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