Thursday, December 31, 2015

So much yelling and barely any listening breakingmom

My twins are four. Typical two minute period:

I go to the kitchen to fix Twin A a snack. The other twin follows and says he wants a different snack. I say,cool, what would you like? My back is turned and instead of telling me, he opens the refrigerator to step inside and muck around with the light switch. I am asking him to get his dirty feet out of my fridge when Twin A comes in to laugh at his brother. Twin b gets out of the refrigerator while doing a high, fast whine about what he wants. I ask him to ask in a nice voice. Twin A turns on the dishwasher (he is not supposed to. He knows this). I ask him to stop pressing buttons and please leave the kitchen,which he ignores. Twin B then opens the craft drawer to pull out some felt, and ask what it is as he throws it all over the room. I lose it and bellow at everyone to PICK THAT UP, GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN and SIT DOWN AT THE TABLE. That's the only thing that makes them move anymore, and I hate it. I am constantly barking orders.

It's like an infuriating treadmill. We do timeouts, which works about half the time and I try to stay on top of their hungry/sleepy moods and cut a little slack if they're stressed, but it's like I'm talking to a wall. They're FOUR. What is it going to be like when they're teenagers? I am seriously going to end up committed. They are currently screaming their heads off in the living room and I just don't fucking care.

I have a book called How to Talk so Kids Will Listen but by the time I've got a minute to read I am so fucking over everything that I want to collapse. I wish I could turn them out into a yard but we live in a small apartment.

How do I keep them from egging each other on? How many times do I have to tell them not to play with the doors, or destroy everything they see? How can I get them to MODULATE THE VOLUME OF THEIR VOICES?! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP ME

Submitted January 01, 2016 at 03:18AM by ChannelingPeg breakingmom

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