Monday, December 28, 2015

Norman Eats a Sandwich at Home lifeofnorman

It was a Monday evening. Not too chilly as he walked the short distance home from his bus stop.

He was thinking of getting some dinner on his way home as he had forgotten to take lunch and was famished.

He paused by the delicatessen that was two buildings over from his flat.

Through the window he saw Angela (the pretty girl behind the service counter) was there. He had seen her a few days ago walking in with her name tag on, of course he hadn't spoken to her. However, for brief second there eyes met and she smiled. Norman looked away quickly and hurried to his apartment.

He repeated this aforementioned action a second time as his eyes met hers through the glass window, but right before he awkwardly looked away, she smiled.

He decided he make his own sandwich at home with the slim trimmings he had in the refrigerator.

Entering the apartment with his usual slow trudge he said hello to Norman made his sandwich and watched SVU wishing CSI was on.

He thought about her smile once more as he fell asleep in the same suit he had come home in.

Edit: me no good at english.

Submitted December 29, 2015 at 12:15PM by milyisreal lifeofnorman

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