Tuesday, July 28, 2015

TIFU by being a secret fatty and getting caught tifu

TIFU because I am supposed to be on a diet but I caved and bought a massive bar of chocolate. I only got through a bit and thought I'd hide the rest for another weak moment. I put it in the very top section of the refrigerator door and had to go onto my tippy toes just to sneak it up there. All was going fine until my husband came back home and went straight in for a snack The FU came when I realized his 6 foot 9 inch frame is practically able to see the dust on top of the fridge never mind the half eaten bar of shame that he found instantly. I tried (and failed)to pretend it must have been there for ages and I forgot about it. I got scolded for my lack of willpower and I scolded myself for not thinking about a better hiding place

Submitted July 28, 2015 at 04:47PM by Pudgypudge1418 http://ift.tt/1DLq43y tifu

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