Sunday, July 26, 2015

Help! Stepmom suddenly passed away, need help with an obit photo PhotoshopRequest

Reddit, life right now is a mess. My stepmom suddenly passed away yesterday and I've (26F) come home to help look after my brothers (9 and 15). My dad and I are huge redditors and we're hoping someone can help us clean up this photo up of her. Basically take the bag that's on the right hand side away and MAYBE do something to lesson the millions of refrigerator magnets behind her. We'd need this ASAP, it's supposed to run in the paper tomorrow. Anything to help would be so awesome. Thank you.

edit: aaaaand I forgot the link to the photo itself. PHOTO HERE

Submitted July 27, 2015 at 01:58AM by sashattack PhotoshopRequest

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