Wednesday, June 24, 2015

1271 morrow crt in kern place, I'm having a sale for pretty much anything in my house ElPaso

I'm getting kicked out of the house by the bank, and I don't really need anything, so pretty much everything is up for grabs, I have an older 70" tv, guitars, amps, speakers, VHSs (if you really want them), I have a gaming laptop, art, mattresses, furniture, even more TVs, toys, refrigerators, if you bring me anything you find in my garage or closet (I might offer you a price on it). For larger items be sure to have transport for it.

Cash and checks. I'm willing to give up a lot, I might even give some away for free. Try and get the word around, I only have till Saturday, and I'll be ready to sell at 10:00 am.

Submitted June 25, 2015 at 09:23AM by NIQuribe ElPaso

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