This report lists the top posts for each of the subs scheduled to run on Sunday.
Report period: Saturday, May 16, 2015 through Friday, May 22, 2015.
- Adult Swim will mail you a surprise if you send them a self-addressed stamped envelope [Facebook link]
- The Mike Tyson Mysteries costume.
- NSA planned to hijack Google's app store to push malware to targets (remember Google can push code to Android phones without users' permission, which means whoever hacks Google can do that, too)
- Just stopped a fake Galaxy S6 craigslist deal that happened to be next to me. Be careful! (x-post from /r/GalaxyS6)
- How to stop a coworker from being grabby? update
- Does it ever bother you to know that people in your age group are much more successful than you?
- Richard Dawkins: The Boston bomber is a brainwashed, indoctrinated idiot who should NOT be executed. A martyr’s death is just what these fools hope for.
- Outraged Viewers Are Calling On TLC To Cancel 19 Kids And Counting after Family Research Council Executive Director and show co-star Josh Duggar admitted to molesting girls
- CMV: It's ridiculous to be offended by a rape scene in a show (Game of Thrones) that features a violent murder almost every episode
- CMV: It's not "creeping", "snooping", or "being a creeper" to browse social media content that presumably was put there for exactly that purpose.
- My wife and I downsized and built our modern country home
- My garage was beyond repair, and I couldn't afford a new one.
/r/foreveralonebots [full report]
- Thank teachers and send $25 to their school free through Target
- Free Bloomin Onion on Monday 5/18 at Outback Steakhouse, just say Bloomin Monday
- LG invented a crazy, bendable TV that sticks to your wall like a refrigerator magnet
- Audi's new $20,000 carbon fiber bike weighs just 12 pounds
- [EVENT] American national, Friedrich Koelsch, dies from multiple gunshot and knife wounds in Seoul hospital
- [META] An alternative, economy simulator.
/r/jerktalkdiamond [full report]
- Le New Meme!* Joseph Ducreux quotes Cartman from South Park, I present to you, Joseph Ducartman! *Not Historically Accurate
/r/mildlyinteresting [full report]
- The ingredients section on this toothpaste tube explains where each ingredient comes from and what it does
- There is a 40 story building in Chicago that functions as its own 'You Are Here' map showing its exact position in the city.
- Why do people hate baby boomers?
- Why is the downvote button not the equivalent of a "disagree" button?
/r/passtheparagraph [full report]
/r/personalfinance [full report]
- 3 Tricks Car Salesmen Use to take your money
- My mom suddenly had a brain aneurysm Friday and in a matter of 4 days went from fine to brain-dead today at 12:30 MTN. I'm 23, have a sister, and my dad died when we were young so her and I are 'in charge'. Reddit, what the hell do I do?
- Old Payless ShoeSource sign still up today in the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn, NY [1836 x 2448]
- A rainbow of fresh fruit in a former Albertsons in Houston, TX [2688 x 1520] [OC]
- If you're interested in learning how to Invest/Trade (Read This)
- Wanna get started trading? Here's how.
/r/theydidthemath [full report]
- A reminder on appropriate content. This is /r/TheyDidTheMath, not /r/TheyDidTheReallyWeirdHypotheticalScenarioThatSomewhatInvolesMath.
- [Self] 30 Seconds to Mars is at least 6 times the speed of light.
/r/unexpectedthuglife [full report]
/r/wanttobelieve [full report]
- Redditor TrampStopDan2 recently posted pictures of a mysterious wooden box he claims his friend found in a dumpster. What he found inside is an amazingly baffling series of documents that detail the goings on of an ancient alien race.
- UFO photos taken near McMinnville in 1950 still raise questions
- 'I noticed my bedroom window was projecting a pinhole image through a slit in the curtains, so I recorded a time-lapse and flipped it upside down.'
- Surfing above Killer Whales
/r/WritingPrompts [full report]
- [WP] The Devil promises you everything: fame, fortune, all the things a mortal will ever need for paradise on earth. But he doesn't want your soul, he just wants you to take his socially awkward daughter, Gertrude, out on a date. Make her special, y'know?
- [WP] You are a manipulative psychopath, but instead of serial killer, you are a serial helper. using your emotionless genius to make other people smile.
Submitted May 25, 2015 at 03:53AM by subredditreports subredditreports
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