After partying all night, should I use Aronal or Elmex?
The deck chairs are taken so fast.
I don’t want to watch that movie; it only has 6 points on IMDB.
This pop tent takes too long to assemble.
I’m on diet but I don’t lose weight.
This domain has already been taken.
Why does my refrigerator make weird noises?
My toaster is always full of crumbs.
The bell always rings when I quickly want to iron something.
Ads in the mail, even though it clearly says I don’ want any.
People who call you first and then don’t answer their own phone.
This coin is too large for the piggy bank.
Nothing is compatible.
Too little bass, too much music.
Two minutes in and still no retweet.
I ate a lemon yogurt and wanted to put the spoon in the empty cup. The cup always fell down.
Why is there no Aldi next to Edeka?
It is difficult to unhook the bra.
There’s no salmon tartare for the cat left.
Adjust the rearview mirror by hand?
Submitted April 01, 2015 at 03:17PM by robindah00d funny
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