I work at a $BoozeStore that offers happiness and joy and smiles and many adult beverages. I like my job and most days everyone is pretty easy to handle. You get a few people that grumble about a few dollars savings at our competitor, but many price match. I'm not allowed to tell them we do it, though. Price matching has changed the past couple of months, so I can only do a couple per transaction, also. With that background, the story begins...
I'm stocking a focal cheese refrigerator boat unit in the middle of the store during my last hour of my shift. A lady walks up to me and asks if I could price match.
I say, "OK, sure. Which ones would you like price matched?"
"All of them," as she gives me a half-hearted 'I'm sorry' chuckle.
That's fine with me. It's my job, I do whatever and I never complain. I walk her over to the computer so I can look up the info on the competitor's website. If it's not there, I can't do it. I write down her 5 items and begin my search. That's when Impatient Lady walks up to me. She was directed over to me by the cashier.
IL - Hi, I tried pushing the little button but no one came over, the cashier said you could help me.
I thought that was weird because I didn't hear the intercom go off saying a liquor case needed a sales associate.
Me - Yes, I can help you in one minute. I'm in the middle of a price match for someone, as soon as I'm done I'll be with you.
IL - Oh.. well I thought you could have helped me.
Me - I can, just give me a minute. What did you want?
IL - Oh I just wanted something from one of the locked cases.
Me - Oh, which one did you need?
IL - Oh, well I just wanted something over there, but you're busy.
Me - Yes, what did you want?
IL - I just wanted some booze
She laughed. I squinted my eyes.
Me - ... Yes, but what did you want from which case?
IL - I wanted some tequila!
So I pick up the phone and intercom for customer assistance to tequila. I finish my price matching and walk over to the return register and get the original lady rung up on a couple transactions. Impatient Lady comes back over.
Me - Just give me another minute, I'll be right with you.
IL - Well! No one came over! So I'll just leave!
I remembered that the other associate had went to lunch and the manager was busy in back with paperwork and cashier had a line. It's Friday before the Super Bowl, mind you. 3 pm, but still kind of busy.
Me- Ma'am, I'm literally one swipe of a card away fr...
It was too late, she had walked out. I returned my attention to the lady that was patient and I was helping.
Me - I don't understand people not being patient. And she didn't even hit the button.
Lady - I work at $Lumberyard, I feel your pain, I see this all the time. Can't even describe what she wanted.
I bag all of her stuff up and thank her for being patient. We shared a nice laugh about it all.
Submitted February 01, 2015 at 12:46AM by ButtSmokin http://ift.tt/1yTCmTx TalesFromRetail
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