Hi, I am writing this because My family and I are dangerously close to becoming homeless after owning our beloved home for nearly 9 years because neither my mom or my dad can find a job, and i find it ridiculous because for awhile now (3 months) that is all they have been doing, looking for a job. How can it be this difficult?
My dad works construction, and my mom moved around from real estate to working and managing an office, that is untill around October when she was layed off because the business had halted. Around the same time, my dad began having hardships finding jobs just barely finding small building projects that are hardly even worth his time, yet with no jobs around he took all that he could get. Now, about 3 months later, they have both been home for most of the time looking for a job until i walked into the kitchen and saw there was nothing on the counters or refrigerator. My mom had barely cooked a meal with the little we have left, and when i asked her about how we have nothing left, she began to cry explaining to me the situation. I was immediately infuriated with the situation. My mom, a completely competent woman who can work her way up to becoming a manager at anywhere she would work could not find a job for nearly 3 months either because shes Over qualified, which i will never understand. Or simply because there is someone younger than her. Any job i tell her to apply to, shes done it. And my father on the other hand had recently just studied hard enough and obtained his license around the start of December to become a certified Residential building inspector, so instead of doing construction he can now have a steady flow of income still doing the things he knows best. But, surprise. He cant get a job either. I helped build his resume to the best that i can, and still he is getting no luck either. We were so happy because we thought that he had his license now, he was certified. Surely he would get hired soon and we could dig ourselves out of this ditch we were in. But it just got worse to the point that we will have to give up our car that we have leased for about 2 years and 7 months, with only 5 months left to completing the lease. We will lose our home, our dog that we have had for 8 years will have to go because we wont be able to feed him and take care of him, and then when we lose everything, we still wont have anywhere to go because we STILL will have no money, we will just be left on the streets now instead of having a home.
I am not asking for money or pity, I simply just want my parents to be employed. To be honest, i dont even know why Im putting this on reddit. I just want the world to know why some people might be going homeless. Its not cause they're bad people, its because no matter how hard they try they cannot get a job.
Submitted December 30, 2014 at 10:11AM by mrconfus3d http://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/2qs94h/the_way_it_looks_i_am_going_to_be_homeless_in_the/ offmychest
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