Wednesday, June 7, 2017

[Question] Unexperienced Cooking Problems Paleo

I find myself in situations where I can't create a meal according to one of the many paleo recipes on the internet.

For once I don't have an oven. That eliminates like 50% of the recipes already. I am living alone and usually only cook for myself. My refrigerator is rather small and my appartment is warm and humid even when airing constantly. Bad preconditions for storing something more than just a few days.

In such situations I usually mix together what I have even though it doesn't fit together. Currently I'm eating shrimps from Thailand that were too big to not prepare them but too small to prepare them well. So they are ... not a huge success. Then I had 2 sweet potatoes, a bunch of carrots and half a celery and thought I could make a mash or puree out of them. It's not bad but it's also not good. The tastes are in competition, not in synergy. To make it somewhat good I tried adding roasted bacon, onions and garlic and some spices, including cumin. But now the taste of bacon is in stark contrast to cumin and in contrast to the shrimps.

How do you guys handle or avoid such situations? Do you have a strict meal plan for the next few days?

Submitted June 08, 2017 at 05:57AM by cyrusol Paleo

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