Thursday, January 5, 2017

What is a "survival" game? How can JS be a better example? h1z1

First you have to establish some parameters for the survival genera.

Since there are many survival games in the genera that are not PVP and/or are single player, PVP can't be part of the definition. If it is the only part, the game is a shooter, not a survival game.

So survival is the environment and body sim. With that established we can work out how to make JS a better SURVIVAL genera game.

First up H1's UI for the body is pitiful and needs an over haul. The stats need to make you far more aware of being low.

Second the environment would be a more critical factor. Hot, cold, wet, dry all of these should effect yor stats. Hypothermia and exposure should be in game.

Cold and wet would effect your body temperature, in order for your body to keep you temp up it will consume more calories so hunger would go up fast.

Clothing would of coarse off set this. Game would have to intro clothing layering for this to work. Which would bump up content a lot. You might want that hard to find winter parka, or heavy coat, or insulated overalls. You would want boots not sneakers or gators.

Hot temps means dropping clothing, possible even armor and or heavy back packs. All of this would effect hydration. The heavier the clothing/armor, the heavier the pack, the faster your hydration drops. Once at a crytical leave your stamina would drop fast then death from dehydration.

Rain and fog would increase hydration but drop body temp unless you have a rain slicker/coat.

Food. scavenged food would be hard to find prompting people to farm/hunt. The game needs more animals to hunt and/or herd/pen. The game also needs more types of crops to grow. The game also needs some way to store this food. Yes, food spoilage is a must. So canning and meat preservation crafting needs to be added. Maybe even have solarpanels and a working refrigerators as very rare loot items.

I can expand on all this but that is enough for now.

It just seems to me, even after all this time the game is very incomplete with more placeholders then game.

Submitted January 05, 2017 at 11:11PM by DeaconElie h1z1

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