Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Norman Almost Loses his Patience (with Lisa counterpart) lifeofnorman

Every working day at almost exactly 11.30am, Norman would get up from his seat at his office cubicle and head to the bathroom. 'That must be my morning coffee!' he'd think to himself, making sure to leave his desk in its usual immaculate state. He wouldn't want to give the wrong impression. However, upon returning to his desk he noticed that his neatly organised folders were suddenly out of alignment. 'That's strange' thought Norman before realising that the same phenomenon had occurred for the past few days in a row.

Norman arrived at the conclusion that one of his co-workers must be playing a prank on him. This conflicted Norman, on one hand he was fine with some friendly joshing around with his co-workers, but on the other hand he found the disorganised files to be slightly irritating. Norman wouldn't dare confront any of his colleagues over the incident, so for a fleeting moment he considered leaving a polite note on the office refrigerator asking the culprit to stop. 'Oh no, that's much too passive-aggressive' thought Norman. He tidied his files and decided that he wouldn't say anything.

Submitted January 06, 2016 at 02:48PM by GentlemanNerd lifeofnorman

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